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About Us

ANA-Michigan is the premier state organization for all registered nurses.

On September 23, 2011, Registered Nurses Association in Michigan (RN-AIM) became the 51st state nurses association to affiliate with ANA, an organization that represents the interests of 3.4 million registered nurses through its network of affiliates and specialty nursing organizations. In 2013, RN-AIM became known as ANA-Michigan.

ANA-Michigan brings nurses together to advance their careers and the profession through standard-setting, advocacy, and professional development.

ANA-Michigan Member Committees:

Interested in becoming a member of one of our committees, or just want to learn more about ANA-MI Committees? Contact nurse@ana-michigan.org.

ANA-Michigan Partners with ANA National:

ANA-Michigan, together with our national partner, the American Nurses Association (ANA), will continue to build a community of nurses dedicated to advancing their profession and providing safe, affordable healthcare. Learn more about ANA HERE.


Energizing and visionary culture
Agility in transformation
Direction with a long-term perspective
Service to members


Advancing the nursing profession in Michigan.


ANA-Michigan is a vital community of professional nurses in Michigan. Together, we are the experts in nursing practice. Our strength is our solution-focused thought leadership, our long-term view of the nursing profession in a dynamic healthcare environment, and our impact on quality care and patient safety.

Impact Statement

ANA-Michigan exists to create an environment where:

  • All nurses see themselves as competent, confident leaders.
  • Our nursing community engages in efforts to improve the well-being of nurses.
  • Our nursing community works together to advance the profession and quality healthcare in Michigan’s public policy environment.
  • Decision-makers recognize the essential voice of nursing in their healthcare debates and discussions.
  • Our nursing expertise is integrated with healthcare design and transformation.

Founded in 2005, ANA-Michigan (formerly RN-AIM) is dedicated to promoting excellence in nursing practice and healthcare in Michigan, and seeks to improve the availability of health services for all, while promoting the professional development of Michigan nurses. Every registered nurse is eligible for full membership in this dynamic, inclusive, diverse, and affordable organization. RNs from every clinical setting, position, specialty and interest area are welcome to join. We offer members convenient opportunities for support, leadership and continuing education. ANA-Michigan’s professional councils include Administration and Education, Excellence in Nursing Practice, Public Policy, Nursing Research and Evidenced-Based Practice.

Current members include hospital staff nurses, administrators, educators, home health and hospice nurses, public health and school nurses, oncology and cardiac rehabilitation specialists, nurse practitioners, nursing researchers, unit managers, parish nurses, obstetric, pediatric, psychiatric and geriatric nurses, medical-surgical nurses, nurse entrepreneurs, nurse attorneys, retired nurses, as well as many others.

2501 Jolly Rd. Suite 110
Okemos, MI 48864

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